Picosmos Tools
Current language

Picosmos integrates viewer, editor, effect, batch, combine and split functions into one set. It also provides plenty of source material.

Picosmos integrates viewer, editor, effect, batch, combine and split functions into one set. It also provides plenty of source material.

Text - Page design


  Text Options



Text Options
Font:choose text font
Font size :chooose font size
Date:add date in text
Month:add month in text
Enter your own content here :enter content in blank
Wordart:choose style of wordart you like
advanced options of text
Text Effect:There are 4 kinds of text effects. They are single outline,double outline,text glow and gradient outline
  Gradient Text :text color turn to the color you choose from up to down
Outline:adjust color,thickness and alpha of outline.
Shadow:Shadow will be actived while clicking "enable shadow".adjust shadow by modify the number of color,thickness and alpha.Numbers of X and Y are the distance from shadow to text